has been doing his talk on copyright for about two years now, really leading the intellectual and the legal battle on this important issue of the digital world. It seems that he’s going to shift gears a little bit, but before he does, check out his copyright talk, “free_culture” as given at OSCON 2002 in July.
OK Check this out
: The recent decision on Internet radio royalty rates already makes the required payments high enough to put most such stations out of business, and completely out of whack with the rates that broadcast radio stations have to pay. Nonetheless, the RIAA Announces Intent To Appeal Internet Radio Royalty Rates. Dead isn’t enough. The RIAA wants them dead AND disemboweled.
Seven years ago
today, Jerry Garcia died. I was never really much of a ‘Head, though I went to a few shows over the years, but I remember Jerry’s death really clearly. I was working for Arthur and Marilouise Kroker at CTHEORY at the time, in the office we kept at Concordia on Bishop St. Although generally we took August off, for some reason (I don’t remember now), I was at work that day. And when the news broke, it was the first time I remember watching a story develop entirely on the Internet. It was before weblogs existed as such (though there were a couple), but through virtual communities, personal sites, news sites, and fan sites, the news got out very quickly. The diversity of the Internet coverage was so much richer and complete than anything in the mainstream media that it was a revelation of the power of the media. Though I think the whole weblogging = journalism idea misses the point, I trace back my interest in keeping a weblog to that day above all.
Oooh. Scary Monster
at harrumph! today. A few minutes ago there were two, and the grasshopper was way scarier. Seriously, I think it’s well past time to comment at how nice the simple, large-image-enhanced Harrumph has looked for the last few months.
The 5K Contest
: the winners 2002 in the “Anything Goes” category.
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