on Lessig and copyright. I don’t understand how Dave’s position is different than the RIAA or Valenti. Can someone enlighten me? He says that he diverges from the entertainment industry because they don’t pay the artists. That difference has little or nothing to do with the copyright issue, does it?
As Doc Searls
wrote today, “I gotta dig how fast and far the People Vs. Hollywood political conversation is spreading.” For the record, I’d like to throw one small point out, maybe to fill in the historical side of this a little. People are fixated upon the DMCA and its role in overturning old US copyright law traditions. It is right to be fixated on that insidious law – but it didn’t begin there.
In its own way, the Telecom Reform Act of 1996 was as important as the DCMA. Everyone focused on the Communications Decency Act back then, but that was clearly just a smoke screen from the beginning. The types of business combination that were finally allowed under the Telecom Reform Act are what has given rise to the large, monopolistic firms who are driving things currently in Hollywood.
Of course those combinations started to occur well before 1996 – but the “reforms” in 96 stripped away the barriers to companies who could own the whole pipeline and control it from head office. Before 1996 there were enough different kinds of player in the food chain that it was harder to get traction, either operationally or as a lobbying force.
It’s more like a movie
than real life, but the Guardian is reporting that the US military had to cook the books in favour of the “American” side its victory in a recent wargame event. The “middle eastern” general used novel tactics to great success, so they forced him to quit doing some things, which let the US team win.
If nothing else
, at least there is one person I’ve had a long, social conversation with on the Booker Prize “long list”. When we met at a party a couple of years ago, Yann Martel struck me as a really nice guy who was very committed to his work.
Lessig responds
, very graciously, to Dave Winer in his weblog. “Hey, Dave, peace. Of course I don’t mean that you’ve, literally, done nothing. Obviously and of course, you’ve done great things for the movement. Nor when I criticized the copyright system was I saying anything about you. (Obviously lots of people use copyright to spread knowledge, rather than hide it. Copyleft is still copyright. And I am, as my writing should make clear, pro-copyright.)”
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