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The pun may be
the lowest form of humour, but nevertheless, there is an “award-winning pun” (as a friendly correspondent put it) in this New Yorker review of the Genius Stanley Coren’s The Pawprints of History. To wit: “Ever since, many psychologists and animal behaviorists, reluctant to be twice fooled, have followed Descartes in his refusal to attribute to animals any conscious intelligence whatever. Only recently have animal behaviorists realized that science, in heeding Cartesian dogma more than the demonstrable ingenuity of animals such as Clever Hans, had got its logic backward: it had put Descartes before the horse.”
When reading this passage, you must remember that denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. Puns are funny!
Kurt Vonnegut,
interviewed in In These Times: “I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened, though, is that it has been taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup dfetat imaginable.”
User Not Found. “Dealing with the death of online friends.”
Bush’s State of the Union address
was mostly predictable, but the important new proposal about AIDS in Africa was striking. Trouble is, though, at BEST it’s dishonest policy misdirection at the expense of dying Africans, at worst an outright lie.
Compare and Contrast the following…
From the text of Bush’s speech last night:
…to meet a severe and urgent crisis abroad, tonight I propose the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, a work of mercy beyond all current international efforts to help the people of Africa. This comprehensive plan will prevent 7 million new AIDS infections, treat at least 2 million people with life-extending drugs and provide humane care for millions of people suffering from AIDS and for children orphaned by AIDS. I ask the Congress to commit $15 billion over the next five years, including nearly $10 billion in new money, to turn the tide against AIDS in the most afflicted nations of Africa and the Caribbean.
From a Salon article last December entitled, Bush’s drive for global abstinence
Dewey stated unequivocally that the U.S. would seek to block the passage of any international family planning policy that permits abortion or promotes contraception for adolescents. “The United States supports the sanctity of life from conception to natural death,” he said. “There has been a concerted effort to create a gulf by pushing the United States to violate its principles and accept language that promotes abortion.”
U.S. delegates maintained that phrases present in the conference’s proposed policy — such as “reproductive rights” and “consistent condom use” — were euphemisms for abortion and the approval of “underage” sex — policies far out of line with the current Bush administration, which advocates abstinence outside of marriage and opposes abortion.
So we have on one hand a major policy intiative to combat AIDS in Africa, but on the other hand a senior US official striking any mention of condoms from the text of any UN policy designed to combat the issue. More than a little contradictory – more than a little disgusting. Bush should be ashamed of trying to garner support for his little war with Iraq on the backs of sick and dying Africans.
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