on Flickr: Reinventing a category whose flashbulb burnt out from Fast Company’s Fast 50.
Lest we forget
A nice, timely photo and accompanying post from striatic over at Flickr.
New from Flickr (part x):
“Montreal” Tag Slideshow. Slideshows of everything, accessible in dozens of ways, smooth as a baby’s bottom, and amazing potential for serendipity.
New from Flickr:
Organizr. It’s starting to be an important mystery of the age how the lovely folks at Ludicorp continue to get so far ahead of the others in this area. It’s not that much of a mystery, because having met and otherwise interacted with folks there it’s clear there’re some serious talents in the mix. But no one else seems really to be trying. Is there some business school mantra out there that says “just let a rabbit get WAY out front of everyone else and then scramble to keep up later”? Or am I missing data here – are there others that I should know about?
Trying out
FeedBurner for a bit. Not sure yet as to the extent of the service, but I think offloading the details of this stuff is a good idea. And the stuff they’re working on with Flickr seems very interesting. Extremely interesting, in fact.