for the positive feedback on the redesign! I won’t deny it – it makes me feel happy to hear such nice words. Not being a designer by trade, getting something together that I’m happy with can be a bit of an ordeal (although this one took a grand total of three hours plus minor tweak time), and it’s nice to know that people enjoy it.
OK it’s done!
Sometime tonight or tomorrow morning I’ll be uploading a fresh new design for this lonely outpost. It’s called “One Yellow Suit”. The present (purple) one is called “Rodchenko” and the old editthispage design was called “990000”. I don’t really know why I name them.
Salon’s David Talbot
wrote an excellent letter describing the latest design decisions at Salon. Yes, they ditched some of the new “features”.
I just caught up
with San Francisco or Bust this very second, but it’s a great idea and a really lovely design! Actually, it’s beautiful.
One thing to add
on the whole “what do people look at most” front – and it’s important (to me). I think that the study makes an unnatural and unsupportable distinction between text and graphics per se, at least as far as they are used on the WWW. In the stuff I’ve read, graphics = pictures accompanying the text. But on the web, things don’t work like that. After all, even the most solidly text-based sites have some graphical component – even if it’s just the logo. And even in that case, there’s still the layout of the text to consider – which is a design concern though not necessarily “graphic” design as most people (perhaps incorrectly?) use the term. So – that people don’t tend to concentrate on the pictures doesn’t necessarily have a lot to do with more fundamental questions – the ones so many of us spend our time answering.
Further, when you start down that road – and consider that a page isn’t much use at all without some rudimentary (at least) navigational context indications – i.e., the page doesn’t stand alone – then the fact that this is usually done using graphical techniques means that it’s really impossible to separate text from graphics as neatly as all that. So, although the study is interesting, in a way, it’s also pretty marginal, at least to my web practice.