Jish’s weblog shmeblog takes up the question of what this [weblogging] is about. Being noticed? Refusing anonymity? It also goes to the whole question of the web/real divide. That divide doesn’t exist anymore for me. It did, but I’ve come out the other side. My online life – Café Utne, work, writing, whatever – is completely intermingled with my real life. The first thing that came to mind for me when I read Zeldman‘s piece today was that I worked with a guy on CTHEORY for four years and we never spoke. Or maybe we did once.
Easy to please:
I called Sympatico support just now and bitched at them about the problem I’d called about 4 times before… and got a solution! So for the next hour or so I’ll be updating things here furiously. Excuse the mess as I put up a totally new design.
OK. I’m a bit frustrated with my ISP. They added a PPPoE thingie (aka Access Manager) as a requirement for Sympatico ADSL users. And the damn thing won’t let me submit forms if they contain more than a certain amount of text. Which means it doesn’t work well for editing this very site.
I want a menu like this on my machine!
Privacy and pseudonymity
Ian Goldberg published this paper in 1997. Fascinating – it lays the direction that ZKS has gone, up to and including the agreement with Brands this week.