has written a nice overview of the first Presidential debate and it’s aftermath: Yet again Kevin Moreno has the next-day analysis of political spectacles down pat, hitting the highs and lows with his own brand of wry humour. debate as I did? Kerry sends his voice down to the bottom registers and clearly explains his opinions and his plan. Bush launches into an unintentially dada performance art piece that basically hinges on one phrase: “What kind of message does that send to…” [insert group here]? And the pundits all say it was a wash. It was true then and it’s true now, “How [is he] losing to this guy?” Andrew Leonard’s great review of the third volume of The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson, The System of the World: The summit of Mount Stephenson. I’m currently about an eighth of the way through and it – and the two previous volumes – is as engrossing as any fiction I’ve read. And I’m not particularly a historical fiction, science fiction, or a fantasy fan. to omit controversial sources that might be blocked from it’s Chinese Google News service. In other words, they condone the Chinese government’s blocking of those sites. Worse, though, they have tried to explain it away as a usability issue on the Google Blog. Let’s just get this straight. Website usability does NOT provide cover for a company to go out of its way to condone the censorship conducted by an authoritarian, single-party-state government. Kevin watches so you don’t have to.
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