For over ten years I’ve been writing about how the net is not and has never been about information, but about relationships: data with data, data with people, and people with people. This little video makes a similar point very clearly.
Archives for October 2007
C$ Parity News
I just checked and Apple is charging the same price for Leopard in the Canadian store (in C$) as in the US store (in US$). There are laggards, but at least Apple doesn’t seem to be one of them.
iPhone: the SDK is on its way
As I predicted, Apple has announced that it will release a proper SDK in February (2008). From the announcement:
Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February. We are excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users.
Certainly many will find fault with this and say it’s too little too late, but both the marketplace and Apple’s recent history seem to prove the naysayers wrong. Now if only Rogers could their act together and offer non-insane data rates (for all wireless data) and then bring the iPhone to Canada.
A List Apart: Findings From the Web Design Survey
Earlier this year, the nice folks at A List Apart undertook a survey of people who work on the web. The findings were released yesterday: Findings From the Web Design Survey including data tables if you want to do your own crosstabs.
An important issue has to do with the scope and definition of the survey itself. In one breath it’s called the “Web Design Survey” but elsewhere it was about “web professionals” and specifically asked about people who are not designers at all but writers, editors and others. As someone who is not a professional designer at all but has nevertheless worked on the web professionally since 1994, it was never clear if I was or was not within the scope of those to be surveyed. I hope they clarify that considerably in future surveys.
Facebook spammers?
Alec Saunders has passed along the news that there is concern in the Facebook developer forums that Facebook is being invaded by spammers. We’ll see – even more than Google, Facebook is vulnerable to bad behaviour of this kind.