Archives for September 2005
I’m not sure why I find it so funny,
but on the front page of Le Devoir today is a story about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or, in french, le «monstre de spaghetti volant».
Cameron Barrett
on what Katrina teaches us about terrorism contingency planning and readiness.
Is anyone who reads still using the update service? Since Yahoo! took over I have noticed some strange problems, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed them. First, every so often refreshes and the site names with apostophes are rendered incorrectly using escape codes. Also, and more importantly, I see a lot of “ghost” updates, by which I mean a site listed that has not really updated. I know that it happens spontaneously, because it lists my site as having been updated when nothing has changed.
Can anyone shed any light on what’s going on?
Federal and State officials
have been gingerly trying to throw out the idea that no one could have predicted the current disaster in New Orleans. Don’t believe ’em – it’s BS. It has been predicted for years, quite literally. One exhibit: Drowning New Orleans from the October 2001 issue of Scientific American. That’s not the only such prediction – just one of the most obvious.