in the near-constant back and forth about weblogs and their merits or lack thereof. Captain Cursor’s analysis is quite different than the one I wrote the other night, but I do agree with him that the software does play a role in defining what people do with spaces like this. I don’t really see, however, that there’s anything intrinsic to either Blogger or Manila that suggests shorter posts or links as the jumping-off point for the stuff a weblogger writes. In fact, out of the box it’s probably easier to use Blogger to publish longer pieces with no links. And Manila, although well configured for weblogs at Userland’s publicly hosted sites, is still most at home at a site-wide content management tool, at least if Frontier 5 (its predecessor, the last version I used extensively) was any indication. The influence of Blogger and Manila, to me, has a more important influence on the answer to the preliminary question – will I or won’t I?